Afdhel, a former Fortune 500 business executive, embarked on a remarkable journey after experiencing the devastating effects of the Indian Ocean tsunami in his home country of Sri Lanka. This life-altering experience prompted him to seek a deeper purpose beyond the confines of corporate life.

In 2017, after a 20 year career leading brands at Procter and Gamble, Nokia, Heineken and Absolut Vodka, Afdhel made a pivotal decision to leave the corporate world and establish Conspiracy of Love

Today it is one of the world’s leading Purpose consultancies, offering its expertise to iconic companies such as Adidas, Coca Cola, The Gap and Sephora. It’s also a B Corp Best for the World Business.

The company specializes in advising major corporations on finding new pathways to sustainable and inclusive growth by inspiring purpose within their employees and organizations.

This unique approach has resulted in engaged and empowered employees, breakthrough innovations and growth, and substantial investments in causes such as racial justice, arts education, and childhood hunger.

Afdhel’s impact extends far beyond the boardrooms of influential companies. As an international keynote speaker, he has graced stages in more than thirty countries, sharing his insights at leading corporations like Disney, Microsoft, JP Morgan Chase, and The Gap.

He has also spoken at such prestigious venues such as Cannes Lions Festival, the Fast Company Innovation Festival, and the United Nations.

Afdhel and Archie at home in Los Angeles

The Purpose Trilogy, Afdhel’s best-selling books (co-authored with Bobby Jones), has earned acclaim from industry leaders, for their insightful and accessible approach to unpacking the complex topics of brand purpose, personal purpose and how businesses can be a force for good.

His journalism for Forbes as a Contributor allows him to shine a light on an inspiring movement of leaders, entrepreneurs and creators disrupting business with sustainability and impact.

He is also the Co-Founder of Good is the New Cool, a creative company dedicated to making stories and content that fill ‘The Hope Gap’.

Afdhel’s prowess as an award-winning poet (‘China Bay Blues’), novelist (‘Strange Fruit’), and documentary filmmaker (‘The Genius of the Place: The Life and Work of Geoffrey Bawa, Sri Lanka’s Premier Architect’)  underscores his fascination with the art and craft of storytelling.

He serves on the board of Choose Love an inspiring non profit helping refugees and displaced people around the world with humanitarian aid.

On a personal note, Aziz is a proud adoptive father, residing in Los Angeles with his wife, son, and an adorable beagle named Archie. His commitment to purpose-driven living is not only a professional ethos but also a guiding principle in his family life.